ROYAL / part 1
Interactives / Animated 3d models (CGI) / Videography / Post Production
To add more sizzle to their product display areas, Royal Building Products engaged the services of 3D-MA to create touch driven digital interactives featuring their primary three product lines. ROYAL needed iPads that would wirelessly “screen mirror” sync with a nearby monitor, allowing staff to control and present by touch from an iPad, with the same content being displayed on a nearby monitor. Four monitors would be vertical touch monitors so staff needed the solution to work seamlessly as they jumped back and forth between iPad and touch monitor.

3D-MA modeled in 3-dimensions each product line as well as various profiles of each product line and then each version was available to be shown in every color with just a touch from the on-screen swatch palette. The 3d models could be zoomed, pinched and spun in space to discuss each product’s features. Sorting through hundreds of photos for each product line, we cleaned, modified, edited, cropped, stylized and color corrected the handpicked top 20 or 30 for each product gallery. A PDF library was also available, synced with badge scan lead retrieval software loaded on any of 12 iPads stationed throughout the space. We also created looped video “screen savers” for each engagement area relevant to that product line, which could also be played at will. Animations, transitions and messaging were reflective of each product’s marketing materials as well as in complete harmony with the engagement space.

Cross Platform & Rotation Friendly
Staff could easily jump from vertical to horizontal monitors, connecting and disconnected with the same or different iPads to different monitors throughout the day.

I showed [the Marketing Director] the latest designs – and of course she loved them, as I knew she would.